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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

"Take care of the minutes, and the hours and years will take care of themselves." -Anonymous

"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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a: a charming or attractive trait or characteristic b : a pleasingly graceful appearance or effect : CHARM c : ease and suppleness of movement or bearing

5:36 a.m.


While I like the name Grace, it is a good thing that it is not mine as otherwise that would be extremely ironic. That is because "grace" has nothing to do with me. There are few people of whom I can think that are bigger klutzes than me, and right now, at almost 6AM, I can't think of any. Well, there's the girl from The Princess Diaries, but she's not even real. For example, yesterday, I was laying in bed when the phone rang. I let the machine get it, but it turned out to be Becca. So, I jumped from the bed and sprinted towards the phone. Unfortunately, I was wearing socks, so I slipped, fell, and the result is that I now have a lovely rug burn on my knee, my big toe on my right foot hurts, and still managed to miss the phone. Grrr... My toe REALLY hurts. It's not bruised or swollen or anything, but I did something to it when I fell and now I'm limping around. Good thing soccer is over.

Also, I have to apologize to Sarah because I told just about everyone I knew that I was starting a diary, but I didn't tell her! She is one of the two people for whom I have links to their diaries (only because I don't know of anyone else with one), and I was starting to get a little offended that she didn't put a link to mine on hers. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to just assume (even though I really was) that she would, and it turned out that she didn't because she didn't even know about it! So, now all of my brownie points that I earned for recognizing the Christopher Columbus quote ("And the Sea shall grant each man new hope, his sleep brings dreams of home.") from The Hunt for Red October are gone and I am a "punk". Guess I will just have to find some way to make it up to her. =)

The Flight Director just said, "That would be swell." Haven't heard that word used in a while.

Yesterday was a big day. I confirmed my reservations at the hostel in Strasbourg, so at least I have a place to stay until my apartment becomes available, and I also went to the post office to send documents to the apartment and to ISU that should have been mailed weeks ago. Oops. Oh well. My theory is that as long as they receive the money (which they did), then that is the part that they care about the most and the paperwork can just come later. And my computer was shipped yesterday. Yay! It should be here soon. I am very excited!

Now, all I have left to do is back-up my computer files, send ISU a personal description and picture, call my car insurance company, fix the coolant leak in my truck, sell my desktop computer (and my old laptop, too, if I can), buy a day pack, a computer bag, and a zippered purse, and have my birth certificate translated and certified. Oh, and move my stuff to storage and pack. Fun.

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