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how many rocket scientists does it take to heat up lunch?


I didn�t drop a fuel stick into an airplane�s fuel tank, but I had my own bonehead moment the other day at work when heating my lunch. I didn�t pay much attention as I shoved it in and turned on the microwave. After about a minute, my coworker spins around in her chair, and with big eyes, asks, �Is that my lunch?� She had put hers in just before me and thought she�d set the timer far longer than necessary. I stare blankly at her for a heartbeat or two and then it sinks in what�s happened and I lunge for the �Cancel� button on the microwave. Opening the door, I sheepishly pull her lunch out from behind mine, which I had completely missed when I stuck mine in. Fortunately, hers had been sitting in there long enough that reheating it up for another minute did no harm.

Normally, there�s only the two of us back here, but, that day, we had a full back room � something like five people on our side and four on the opposite for shuttle support. With that many people, my little gaffe went completely unnoticed, of course.

Now doesn't that just inspire confidence in America's space program? ;)

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