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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

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like, don't be a total downer, man


Those who know me know that I struggle with self-esteem. When you work in as competitive an environment as I do, where everyone else seems to have things figured out far more than I, self-esteem and self-confidence problems only become more difficult to overcome. I *know* I'm competent and intelligent and all that hoo-ha, but there are times where I just feel like the biggest idiot ever. This is one of those times and you, lucky internet world, get to hear about it.

I had one job tonight. ONE JOB. All I had to do was keep a running log of everything that was going on - who said what, actions, etc. And I couldn't even do that. I updated the file all night, saving it constantly. At the end, I closed it and e-mailed it to myself and a coworker (whose computer I was using). I just opened it, and it's not my file. I don't know what happened to my file. It's not even that I sent the wrong file, it's the right title. Just with the wrong content. For some reason, the file didn't save. Or not where and as what I thought (which is what I am HOPING is what happened and not that it's really gone). This is one of those can-only-happen-to-me things. Seriously. I try so hard and then this happens. The universe is out to get me. I mean, really. REALLY.

Ugh. This makes me SO MAD!! I so cannot wait for this afternoon when I can go home and bury myself under the covers and sleep for 14 hours straight. At least.

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