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belated white christmas


If you didn't know better, you'd think that I'd never seen snow before.

The fact is, I see snow at least once, usually two or more, times a year. However, that still doesn't stop me from becoming inordinately excited when it snows in places where it normally doesn't, or at least, not often. Like Houston (Christmas Eve 2004, I was there, baby!) or in Auburn, California where my parents live. Granted Auburn sees a lot more snow than Houston does, but it's still noteworthy when it happens. And it happened this year, when I was home. Evening of the 27th, I was south of the city with some friends. It was raining, almost like spitting, as if unsure whether to really commit or not. On the way home, the rain eventually turned to soft snow flurries, and as I continued home, I could see the snow starting to pile up on the hillsides on each side of road, gleaming like a ghostly blanket. And then, in the morning when I woke up, a coat of white covered everything, making it all look fresh and quiet and clean, as only the first snowfall can. I was giddy, and took lots of awful pictures.

It wasn't lost on me that we were driving up to Tahoe that day. That there would be plenty of snow right outside my door. That I'd be shoveling snow. That I'd be freezing my tookus off in it because my sister, a friend and I decided to go skiing - or snowboarding, in their case - in a snowstorm. (Actually, my tookus was quite warm, thank you very much, and it was my toes and fingers that took 30 minutes in the car to finally thaw out; really, it took that long for feeling to return to the toes on my right foot. I watched the time.) I was still excited that it snowed. Where I lived.

So, here I am, still in Tahoe, and where I will remain for the remainder of my stay in Cali. My sister and friend return to Auburn tomorrow, and I head to Austin on Wednesday, and finally back to the fourth largest city in America on Thursday and a half day of work. Yup, jumping right back in. But, that's still a few days away. Right now, I'm making wassail and, ensuring that I'll be joining the majority of Americans resolving to exercise and lose weight in the new year (this is the year!), snacking too much on crackers and chips and eating things I probably shouldn't in general.

But everyone knows that calories during the holidays are halved, right? RIGHT?

In case I don't post again in 2007, and let's be honest, I probably won't, here's wishing you and yours much joy this holiday season and a bright new year.

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