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take me out to the black | tell them i ain't comin' back


The other night,

B. and I watched the first two episodes of Firefly - Serenity 1 & 2; the actual-but-not-shown pilot. Excellent. I'm with Sarah; it's amazing how fast one can become totally and utterly hooked (some might say obsessed, but I'm not when compared to people out there) on a show cancelled halfway through the season. I've already downloaded the screensaver, backgrounds and the theme song. A group of us are going to go see the movie - Serenity - tonight; we even have a section marked off for us: NASA Brown Coats. Yes, we are a bunch of dorks. So be it.


My iPod is dead. Ceased and desisted. I've had it for little less than a year. It's been acting up for quite a while, but it's absolutely kaput now (yes, I tried plugging it in). Apple, awesome company that they are, sent me a box to return it in, postage paid and tape and everything. Yay for actually using a warranty for once!


Becca has been trying to convince everyone that she's been sick for the past week and a half. When sneezing her brains out didn't work, she resorted to a hacking, gut-wrenching cough. I, for one, am not buying it. WHATEVER. Then, Gavin got in on the deal with his "sore throat" and "coughing" and "headaches". Yeah, sure. Now Jen and Sarah are looking to get in on the game. Nick jumped right in, too - I actually talked to him (accidentally; I was showing off the phone feature of my car) today and he pretended to be all groggy and stuffy and whatnot. What a bunch of wusses I'm surrounded by! Babies, all y'all! As for me? I'm not sick - no sneezing, coughing, headaches, stuffy/runny nose, sore throats, upset stomach, etc. Nothing! Healthy as can be! And I was even stuck up in Conroe with two sickies, and now have two at home, as well. Ha!

Oh wait, was that a sniffle? Nooooooo!

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