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crying over spilt milk


Guten Tag der deutschen Einheit!

It seems that I cannot not start the week w/o spilling something. Last week, I was trying to be all helpful (don't faint) by emptying out the drip pan from my office's mini-fridge, which was full of water from defrosting over the weekend, unplugged as it was due to Hurricane Rita preparations. I spilt it all over the floor, requiring at least a tree's worth of paper towels to clean up. Today, it was my Green Tree Frappacino (v. tasty despite off-putting green color). Argh.

Apple rocks. They sent me a box for my defunct iPod, as mentioned, v. quickly after I reported that it had commited suicide, and two days ago, I recieved another e-mail informing me that it had been received, and now, e-mail number three just arrived, stating that the issue has already been taken care of and the replacement is on it's way. Will it be new? Refurbished? Who knows, who cares, as long as it works. Of course, it would have been nice if I'd had a functioning iPod to begin with, but since I didn't, I'm really pleased at how they're taking care of it.

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