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the last person who called it a skirt was kilt


I would like to report a missing vehicle, a 2005 black Toyota Prius. It was last seen yesterday in the company of two men who have been known to dress in skirts. It is believed that the perpetrators are headed in the direction of Austin, Texas. ;)

The Prius is certainly racking up some serious mileage recently. Two weeks ago, the longest trip that my car had been on was to Intercontinental, about an hour's drive. Then, Becca and I went to Austin. Then, I let Serina haul ISUers around last weekend, shuffling between downtown and Galveston. Then, I let Ollie and Doug, the last two remaining holdouts of the ISU invasion form this weekend, take it on a roadtrip to Austin, San Antonio, and who knows where else; they'll be back on Friday. Then, I take Doug to the airport on Saturday and Bennet and I continue on to Austin for the weekend to visit Rachael again. Poor little car; doesn't know what it did to deserve such treatment.

Tuesday night, Ollie did play his bagpipes for me. Not out on the lawn in his kilt, as Becca envisioned, but inside and it was Star Wars. I was really impressed! No-one had ever played bagpipes for me before.

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