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vacation? what vacation?


Right now, I'm frustrated. Not so frustrated as Sarah, but still pretty dang frustrated. I'm the book manager for what I will call the BFH. You can probably guess the acronym; if not, I'm not going to spell it out here; you will have to ask. Anyway, it was supposed to be published ages ago. For one reason or another, some of it my fault, most of it not, it's still not. I keep trying, and this time, it got so far as to be halfway signed off, and then it was reviewed and found to have errors/questions and thee who reviewethed it is on travel. Go figure. IT WILL NOT DIE. Need to STOP giving it to people who will find problems with it. Argh. This will be the BEST version of the Final that there ever was! As well as the tardiest (6 mos. late). I need a vacation! And no, going home for my sister's wedding does not count.

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