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13 days and counting...


Joyeux FĂȘte du Canada aujourd'hui, mes amis canadiens!


There are signs up all over the floor of my building, counting down to the July 13th launch date of LF-1/STS-114; yesterday, the Flight Readiness Review (FRR) Panel gave us a GO for launch!! Yay!! After so long, we're finally going to fly again. I'm still new enough that I remember very clearly all of the launches that I've seen - on TV, in the control center and live (four of the latter). Although I'll be sitting on-console as ISO and Systems On-the-Job-Trainee (OJT), I'm not all that involved with pre-mission Return to Flight (RTF) acitvities because I've had my head buried in the sand with the following flight, ULF-1.1/STS-121, so it almost feels as if this has snuck up on me; I mean, I knew it was coming, we've been building up to it for over two years, but now it's here. We've had so many delays and setbacks, that it's hard to believe that this might actually happen. Now, if only Mother Nature will play nice!

Go Discovery!!!

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