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it was a graveyard smash


Yesterday, I was pretty lazy. Just how I wanted it. I'd been working late all week, doing EarthKAM, which I don't mind (and enjoy doing), but loads of stuff had been building up that I wanted to take care of, and had been planning to do so on Thursday. I was asked to sub for our softball team, and I felt bad for turning them down, but last night was the only time I had to catch up. So what were the great things I needed to do? Let's see, work on my presentation, make banana bread out of the rapidly-disintegrating bananas, take the dogs for a much-needed walk, get some more stuff out of my storage place (hopefully find a Halloween costume). I actually did get most of that done, but not all. The bananas, it turned out, were perfect for banana bread, and I'm sure Sarah will forgive me for not helping out last night when she tries it this morning (Becca brought a loaf in so make sure to stop by 30A/3088).

I'd also like to apologize to Becca. I was quite the whiny piss last night. Not that I'm usually all sunshine and dandelions, but I was in fine form.

Okay, I have to go do real work now. EarthKAM tonight again, Haunted Tour of Galveston tomorrow, Jen's party (hopefully I'll have figured out/found a costume by then) on Sunday. Happy Hallowe'en, everyone!

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