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canada 2.0


It's been a while. Becca actually sent me some e-mails on Friday to update it, but being the petulant child that I am, refused. Ha. But it's true, I should get around to it, despite the fact that I really have nothing to say. Nothing nothing nothing. It's turning out more like Kelly's where if she doesn't have anything to say, she doesn't say anything. And I really don't have any earth-shattering news to share. It was a fairly uneventful week.

Halloween was great. I ended up going as a 70's disco queen/call girl. It was mainly an excuse to wear a glittery gold sheath that I had and would never wear otherwise. The sad thing is that what I had on - the dress, the fake red snakeskin jacket, shoes, and purse - despite being really cheap, I actually bought at a real store and not a thrift store. (I'd bought it several years ago for a murder-mystery dinner.) So there is this horrid fashion style out there that is actually for sale not as a joke.

Monday, my great-uncle's armoire arrived. It's over 70 years old. It's huge. Apparently, I'm the only one who thought that an armoire was a glorified dresser. Everyone else seems to know that it's a giant piece of furniture. Nick joked that the volume of the furniture currently in my room exceeds the volume of the room. It really isn't much of a joke; although it's apparent that it doesn't exceed the volume because it's all in there, it's dang close. I'm hoping to get rid of the dresser that I have now, and then we'll do some maneuvering to make it all work. Everyone else is doubtful, but I am optimistic. I just hope I'm right. Otherwise, I have no idea what to do.

Tuesday, I voted. For Kerry. Not that there weren't things I didn't like about him, but what can one do when stuck between a rock and a hard place? I really think there should be a space for "neither, start again". But alas, no dice. Now, it's four more years of "strategery". Sigh. Jeb Bartlett for president, anyone? Or maybe Andrew Shephard? In response, many Dems are threatening to head North in refuge; the hits on Canada's immigration site went up by a factor of five after the election. Things are even getting serious on the satirical Marry an American website, which claims that many singleton Canadians have "pledged to sacrifice their singlehood to save our southern neighbours from ... cowboy conservatism." And then there's Canada 2.0. Thanks for the link, Becca. It's amusing.

Becca and I took the dogs for walks several times this week; good for all of us. I played soccer Friday night and despite having about 30 chances to score and the whole team cheering me on, I never managed to knock one in. I'm in the right place at the right time, which is important, but now I need to convert the opportunities into actual goals. I've decided that I really like playing forward, but don't tell my grade-school coach, Bernie, that! :) In 8th grade, he pulled me from my beloved fullback and forced me up front. I resented it, and hated it. Now, mid-field is my favorite position, followed closely by forward. I think it has to do with my level of agressiveness increasing. Anyway, I played again on Saturday morning, and afterwards, spent the rest of the weekend recovering, which involved trying a new restaurant - South Shore Grill (highly recommended) across the street from Randalls on 2094 - and a pedicure. :)

A group of us went and saw Alfie Saturday night. It received four stars, but I'm not sure why. I didn't really get it. I love Jude Law, and if it had been anyone else (except for maybe Ewan McGregor), the movie would have been completely unbearable, instead of being just mostly. Mmm, Jude Law.

My friend and fellow ISU student, Ollie, is in town today. He and Nick drove back from the X-Prize check presentation in St. Louis on Saturday. Ollie's on his way to DC, before leaving the country and heading back to Scotland.

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