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i've got a disease


I know it's been a very long time since I wrote. I'm not really sure where the time goes. I think often about stuff that I could write, but then I forget, someone else beats me to it, or I am just too busy. I don't like updating at work, and by the time I get home, I'm so sick of computers that the last thing I want to do is spend more time on one. Of course, I also have other things occupying my time now, too. :)

I don't really have much to say today, either. I did get attacked by mosquitoes last weekend, to the point where it looked like I had chicken pox on my legs, arms and back. I am not exaggerating; my ankles swelled up from all of the bites, and now that the swelling has gone done, I can see just how very many there are. I've been staying doped up on Benedryl, and I think that that has helped more than anything, even more than slathering tubes of anti-itch cream on the bites.

Isn't that a pleasant thought, now?

I do have other things to write about, and I will, as soon as I stop being lazy. I went to Montana earlier this month and Victoria, BC last month, and there are things to say about those trips. Also, I suppose Gustav should be mentioned. Signs are currently pointing towards poor Louisiana, and while that's awful, I have to say that I prefer it stay away from Houston; I really don't want to evacuate. Once is enough for me. Eduard at the beginning of this month was disappointing - a little, a very little drama would have been acceptable - but I'll take that over having to evacuate any day.

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