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wind and rain


I spent most of the weekend watching The Weather Channel or SportsCenter. On The Weather Channel, it was (almost) comical how the disturbances in the Atlantic looked like airplanes lined up for take-off, one after the other. Historically, storms from these areas have a pretty low chance of hitting Texas, so we should be OK. And it's good that Gustav didn't come to Houston because I did absolutely nothing to prepare for it. Others did, though - when I walked the dogs yesterday, despite the fact that it was a holiday weekend, which usually means cars spilling out of driveways and the smell of grilling meat wafting from most backyards, yesterday was eerily still. I think a lot of people left for the three-day weekend and made preparations "just in case", with several houses boarded up. At this point though, the most that we can expect is some wind and rain from one of the outer bands.

Sounds like things were OK for Louisiana and Alabama. People were evacuated well ahead of time, and the levees pretty much held, with only a few leaks on some minor Mississippi River outlets. So, not as bad as it could have been.

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