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close encounters of the roach kind


There may or may not be a cockroach in my car.

Last week, I took several loads of glass for recycling since our neighborhood curb-side recycling doesn't (didn't; I guess they do again now) take glass. The next day as I was leaving for work, I realized that I'd forgotten to take the bins out of my car. I opened the hatch, pulled the bins out and sitting right there was the BIGGEST COCKROACH I've ever seen in my life. He was huge. I tried to shoo him out of the car, but he ran and hid. I saw his bottom sticking out of a crevice and I banged on the seat. He disappeared completely, but not before squirting at me (gross) and hissing; according to Wikipedia, only the Madagascar Hissing Roaches do that, but he definitely made a distinct "tsst!" noise. Maybe it was him as he slid out of sight, but whatever. I heard it.

There was NO WAY that I was going to drive to work with him in there, so I spent a good twenty minutes or so chasing him around the back of the car, banging on the seats and compartments and poking him with the umbrella to get him to move. At one point he started coming AT me, which completely freaked me out. I'm pretty sure that he's gone, however; I saw something fly away, and I think, I hope, that that was him. He hasn't shown up since, whereas, when I was trying to get him out, if I walked away from the car, he always came back into the open. I've still decided to name him Larry and to blame him for any problems with the car - oh, that's Larry just getting into the A/C again.

I bet anyone reading this is never going to want to ride in my car again. Even though I am 99% sure that he's gone.

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