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everyone's doing it


Today is going sooo slooowly. But it's almost done. At 7:45, I was dragged out of bed by a phone call from a coworker because I was supposed to be at a sim. This was not welcome information because 1) Kelly and I stayed up until 2:30 a.m. talking and 2) I was planning on taking today off to hang out with my ISU friends who hadn't yet left from being town for Nick's wedding; most notably Serina and Kelly, who are both leaving today and so I will most likely miss seeing them before they go. But, maybe I will, as the sim is over and we are finishing up debrief (most back rooms are released; we stay). The sim itself was really slow; not much happened.

This weekend, I attended a wedding - my sister's. Which is why Becca was left alone in a house invaded by my ISU friends who were in town for Nick's wedding. This weekend was all about weddings. On the flight back from Sac, they even showed The Wedding Date as the movie. It's about a woman who hires a date so that she doesn't show up to her sister's wedding alone. I can relate. Not that I hired anyone, but maybe I would if it turned out to be Dermot Mulroney, like in the movie.

I took ~150 pictures and will put up some of my favorites, since I haven't done anything in the way of photo albums yet with any of my pictures. Oh, and for the first time EVER, I didn't dance with children. Don't get me wrong, I love children, I love dancing with them, but when they're pretty much one's only option for dance partners, wedding after wedding, well. So, instead, I danced once each with my cousins, Ben and Becky, and twice with Andrea's husband, Matt. It was their 1st anniversary, and it was really great of them to come out for Shelby's wedding. I was trussed up in bridemaid garb for their wedding, and then again, one year later exactly, for my sister's. Anyone getting married 25 June 2006 that needs a bridesmaid? Let's keep the streak going.

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