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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

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"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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an exercise in sleep deprivation II


How do you make sure that not even hurricane or roommates bursting into the house (pretty much the same thing at our place) wake you up, especially if you are an abnormally light sleeper? Stay up for 19 hours straight, that's how. Of course, that meant that I only had about 5 hours of sleep last night, but I was out, didn't wake up once, until my alarm jarred me awake at the unholy hour of 1:30 a.m.


I am very excited to report that the tour that I've been working on for all of my friends coming from ISU for Nick's wedding is actually going to happen. I've had such a ridiculously tough time, what with getting everyone approved to come on-site, trying to find tour guides, getting everything organized, and still find time to do my job. As late as Friday, I despaired of being able to pull it off, but yesterday, everything came together. :) All I have to say is that I have the best Division Chief EVER. A lot of people complain about their bosses; I might complain about being overworked (for example, the BFH that WILL NOT DIE), but I will never complain about my bosses. Both my Branch and Division Chiefs have been nothing but support; I certainly would never have been able to go to ISU without them behind me all the way.


Also, I heard a rumor yesterday and if it's true, then 1) congratulations and 2) WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME??? That's all I'm going to say until I have it confirmed.

I know most of you aren't going to understand my "Quote of the Day", but it totally made my day yesterday. ACO (A-C-O, for Assembly and Checkout Officer, not "Acko"), incidentally, is our position in Mission Control, and PHANTOM is the payload deployed in the sim.

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