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blue monday


I am starting to feel the heat about finishing my report. The internship is over in three weeks and I still have so far to go. One thing to look forward to is that it will be nice to see everyone again, if only for a week. I am scheduled to present on the first day, so I have to have my stuff together. But, it will also mean that I am done after that.

So, I am quite frustrated. Also, tired and hungry, and therefore not making for a v. good start to the week.

I finally saw Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I can see why it's considered the best of the three, although, I do have a bone to pick, and that it explains NOTHING. Who are Moony, Prongs, Padfoot, and Wormtail - the names on the Marauder's Map? How does Prof. Lupin know it's a map? How does Peter Pettigrew being alive prove Sirius Black's innocence? Why did he wait 12 years to escape? Why is Harry's patronus in the shape of a buck? Okay, so I know the answer to all of these questions, but for someone who has not read the book, it is probably pretty confusing! But I guess that they are banking on the fact that 90% of the people who go to these movies have read the book. Other than that, I really, really liked it. It was fast-paced, dark, and stuck to the spirit of the book. So, over all, v. nice.

One more thing - wow. How old do the kids look, compared to the first movie? Ron's voice has really changed, and Harry is getting so tall - of all three, he looks the most different. I hope that they stick it out for the final three movies (they are already filming #4 - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire). I cannot imagine anyone else playing them. Or, really, any of the other main characters, like Profs McGonagall and Snape, Hagrid, Malfoy, the Dursleys, and now Sirius (I was a bit skeptical about the casting of Gary Oldman, but I think that it turned out v. well).

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