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home again, home again, jiggity jig


Today, Becca comes home from The Ends of the Earth. I imagine that, after having spent nine glorious days on said Ends of Earth, boring ol' Houston won't seem like much and there won't be a happy Becca waiting for me at home (Nick's picking her up today). Well, she'll be either conked out sleeping or mooning around the house about how wonderful her trip was, complaining about being back and wishing that she was still there.

Tomorrow, the experience will repeat when I pick up Jen, Gavin and Sarah at the airport; Becca left Santiago at 4 a.m. this morning, they're leaving at 10:30 p.m. tonight. I foresee a noisy dissection/description/retelling of the different aspects of the trip on the car ride back.

Not that I begrudge them. Oh no. It sounds like it was a wonderful trip and I'm very excited to hear about it and can't wait to see the pictures. I just know my friends and how it will be. =)

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