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So, Roxy and Zoya are gone. I missed Roxy last night; she's a very good bed dog. She likes to lean up against me, which suits me fine, as I like to lean up against her. It was really cute the other night when she snuggled under the covers with me; her rump was the only thing sticking out.

However, the fact that they are gone means that we can recapture our couch and the first thing that I did when they left was drop the couch cover in the wash. For sheer cussed determination, those two can't be beat. No matter how I booby trapped the couch, they managed to figure out a way around it. Now, our couch, as it is, is a POS. Eventually, though, we'd like to get a nicer one, so we're trying to train dogs to stay off of the current one. Bennet doesn't jump on the couch (much), and the crinkly noise of aluminum foil laid out on the couch probably scared my wuss of a dog, as well as deter Apache. Didn't work with Roxy and Zoya, who ignored the foil, not even bothering to push it out of the way. Then, I laid three barstools on the couch. That worked for a day, until they discovered that it was pretty easy to knock one off. Next, I bungee-corded the stools together. This time, it took them two days to figure out that they could still jockey the stools around to gain enough room on the couch for them to lay, albeit uncomfortably (going by the limited room on the couch they created). So, finally, the last few days I used more bungee cords to connect the end stools to the side table and piano. That worked; I don't know if they would have figured a way around that, but before they could, Jen and Gavin arrived to rescue us, er, them. J & G were highly amused at my jerry-rigged system. =) I never actually caught either Roxy or Zoya on the couch - they know that they're not supposed to be on there - but I knew it was them; Apache was locked in the bathroom where there was nothing for her to jump on, and Bennet didn't care enough to figure out ways around the deterrents (and I didn't find any long hair on the couch).

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