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of baseball, bruises and ... bay-cations



Apparently, alcohol enhances whatever mood I'm in. This isn't ground-breaking information, but I always thought of myself as a happy, um, drunk. But last night, after two glasses of wine, I was cranky and pessimistic. Bottom of the eighth, 1-0, Game 4 w/Sox leading 3-0 in the World Series. Not a good position for the Astros. So, I wasn't in the best of moods to begin with, but the wine only made it worse. Nick had the game on in his room, and he and Becca were watching. I refused to go in there as I knew I'd only be more depressed, so I talked to Kelly, who was also watching the game. I'm sure that I was all kinds of fun because I kept muttering "stupid Astros". Anyway. Stupid Astros. I don't know what Sarah will have to say, but in my admittedly uninformed opinion, the 'Stros beat themselves. It's important to note that all games were close - the Series-winning game was won 1-0 - but the Astros still got swept. I mean, really, HOW DO YOU LOAD THE BASES WITH ONE OUT AND DON'T MANAGE A RUN??? This feat of genius is what they did in Tuesday night's game.

Despite the bitterness, it is wicked cool that they did get to the Series; first time in their franchise history, too. If not the Giants, then it was good to have the 'Stros in. I admit that, although I am a true Giants fan, as far as the Astros are concerned, I am more fair-weathered (not the only one; the Houston Chronicle even ran an article in June with a tombstone showing "RIP: Astros' Season"). What I enjoyed most was the way the city rallied around the team - the excitement, the Astros signs everywhere, etc. If only they could have won, or at least made it less frustrating. Ah well.


I, who bruise like a peach, as we all know (Sarah poked me once and I got a bruise), have a mysterious bruise on my wrist. I think it's from soccer on Sunday. I, as mentioned, play on three teams, two of which are coed, and the third all female. This weekend, I ended up being in more pain from the women's league game than the other two combined. There was one girl on the other team who was brutal, running all over the field and crashing into people, taking some down. Several times. I was one; belly-flopped on the ground and slid, scraping my knee and getting grass everywhere (and I mean everywhere). I also took a couple of hard shots, and four (four!) days later, I am still sore and bruised. My left ankle has been bothering me for a while, in addition, so taking the next two weeks off completely will hopefully help.


When I was little, I pronounced "v" as "b". My dad thought it was hilarious, and still brings it up from time to time. (I also needed another "b"ish word for this post to describe my activities.) Are we gowing on bay-cation? Finally, after several false starts (what with space shuttles landing and hurricanes blowing), I am going on bay-cation. I leave today in a few hours to visit my good friend, Kelly, in Winnipeg. I cannot WAIT.

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