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sinking and swimming


I just hope that the ARS HX doesn't die...

Everyone else in the certification flow is familiar with this current simulation. I am not. I am attempting to jump in the middle of it and see how well I can swim. So far, things are not off to a very good start. It is going to be a looong day.


There are some days I hate soccer, some days I like it okay, some days I love it. This weekend, I experienced all three. Friday, I hated it. Saturday, I kinda liked it okay. Sunday, I loved it. Do you think maybe it's tied to how well I play? ;) On Saturday, I remembered how to kick. I mean, kick well and far. I even had two decent shots on goal, although neither went in. On Sunday, granted that we weren't playing the best team in the league or anything, I am very happy with how I played; my ability to kick seemed to have lasted at least through Sunday. I hope that it continues!

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