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there's a hole in the bucket, dear 'liza, dear 'liza...


Despite Becca's "summary" on Friday of our conversation regarding piercings, in which it appears that poking another hole in my ear was a spur of the moment idea, it is something I'd been debating for a long time. I mean years. The more I'd seen it, the better I liked it. My sister has it. So does my brother. So do several friends. Finally, I decided, what the heck, go for it. I put things off way to long because I think about them too much, and I mean anything from getting a new bed to piercing my ear. So, this weekend, I did all of that.

I didn't want to buy a bed because I wanted to wait and spend it on a set for when I bought a house, but I figured I'd be living with Becca for a good while (I'm not in any hurry because, frankly, the thought of leaving makes me lonely), so I finally bought a new bed (no more twins for me, thank you very much). Becca came with and bought some bed stuff, too, and after lunch, we went to the mall where she watched me get my ear pierced, at which point all of the gushing blood caused her to faint. Just kidding; I didn't even wince, there was absolutely no blood, insisted it didn't hurt, so she agreed to do it, too, and despite flinching anytime the girl came at her with even the cotton swabs, it was done, and she agreed that it didn't hurt. Yay! So, we are a couple of girls with an extra hole in our head. It doesn't hurt but is a bit tender, especially when Zoe, Nick's bird, decides it's a chew toy. Fun for her, maybe, not so much for us, as one might imagine.

In my spending spree that was last week, I also bought a new computer which should be delivered today. A Mac Powerbook, baby! I love Macs. Love 'em, love 'em, love 'em. I had a Powerbook last year, 12", which was stolen, but I adored it so I bought the same, only went for the 15" this time; 17" a bit unnecessary for my needs. Of course, so is the ComboDrive (CD and DVD R/W), but hey. It finally showed up on my credit card, and ouch! but I did need a new computer, and the promotion they were having - $250 off when buying a Powerbook with an IPod - was irresistable.

Other excitement of the weekend - washing the dogs, somewhat organizing my room, realizing that I don't know where my storage room key is nor do I remember the combo to get in/out of the facility, hangin' wit' da gerls and painting pottery, running various errands, sleeping, watching copious amounts of Daily Show (must get my political opinions from somewhere) and West Wing, and cutting the oleander bush to pieces; that sucker won't be blocking the sidewalk for some time!

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