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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

"Take care of the minutes, and the hours and years will take care of themselves." -Anonymous

"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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take a risk | take a chance | make a change | till i breakaway


What? A post? No way. Yes, 'tis true. Anyway, I meant to post last night. I even had it written out. It was about my list of things I needed to do:

1) Finish yardwork (nope)
2) Watch SpaceShipOne win $10M X-Prize (check)
2.1) Kick self for not going to Mohave to watch SS1 win prize live (double check)
3) Laundry (um, half-check)
4) Hair cut (check)
5) Strangle Nick w/his alarm cord for setting alarm for 6 a.m. & then hitting snooze repeatedly for next 2 hrs (nope, but did threaten)
6) Clean room (yeah, right)
7) Exercise (check, if eating counts)
8) Track down & wrap birthday presents for Curt & Katie (half-check; sort of)
9) Give self pedicure so am not embarrased to wear sandals (tonight)
10) Iron clothes (half-check; have to finish tonight)

There we go. Voila. I still have plans for Nick which I will act upon just as soon as I think of something devious, untraceable (despite publicly announcing it in my blog), and creative; recommendations are welcome. This morning, it wasn't 6, thankfully, but 7. And it's not once. He hits the snooze button until 8, and sometimes later. Why, why, why. Of course, it shouldn't bother me because really, *I* should be up at 7, but I'm so lazy. I don't know what happened. I used to be at work between 7:30 and 8, and now, I'm getting up around 8. It's ISU's fault! All their fault! None of mine! Never! Inconceivable!

Jen's cert is today. Go Jen! When I was up in my backroom, there had been an accidental satellite deploy, and then a cabin leak so the orbiter had to come home early. Ah, sims. I miss them.

Katie's birthday was yesterday. Curt's is the 8th. Happy birthday, people!

Oh, yeah, and there was something in the news about a privately-funded spaceship that wond some sort of prize yesterday. But, who cares about that? It's not important. :) My whole group gathered around the TV and watched. Yay, SS1. Apparently, they are going to (or already did) talk to the ISS astronauts today. Nice to see connections b/w NASA & SS1. We need each other. Anyway, I have X-Prize connections - Brooke, Ollie, and Nick. I could have gone to Mojave. What an idiot. I should have. But, me no have no money. :( Certainly could have used that cool $10 mil myself! I just can't believe it's been won. Let's all go to space!!! (My dad would argue that, at least mentally, I'm already there. Ha ha.)

Kelly's coming this weekend to visit. Yay for Kelly! We're going to make Canadian Thanksgiving; I think Becca and I are more excited than Kelly. I'm so excited that she's coming!!!

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