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Wedding pictures!

11:06 p.m.

I apologize for taking so long to update this thing. I got back into town on Tuesday night, and then Wednesday and Thursday were devoted to this assignment, which I was a little put out about because no one had done any work while I was gone. We had our presentation on Friday, and four of us (out of seven) ended up staying until 12:30 Thursday night, which meant that we missed the last tram. Not much of a problem for the other two, but for Munir and I, we lived downtown so that was a lovely 90-minute walk back.

We were the last of seven presentations, all on the same subject, but I think that ours was one of the best, which is good, because after seeing six presentations, everyone was sick of the subject and half-asleep. But, we woke them up. It was awesome. We did an awards show, giving out awards like, "Best Ignorance for the Laws of Physics" and such (the point was to talk about inaccuracies of space movies and how that affected their reception by society). Everyone really liked it.

Anyway, finally, the long awaited pictures. First, since it is the most recent, wedding pictures, what few that I have.

Here is Val getting her manicure. She really hates them. This isn't her hair for the wedding; she had hers done for the rehearsal dinner, too.

Next, this is Lisa and Katie's hair the day of the wedding.

This is Carson, the flower girl. She's four-and-a-half, and was such a good girl. Isn't she the cutest? And such a ham. She loved having her picture taken. I spent most of the reception dancing with her and two other little girls. (Unfortunately, Val and Andy don't know too many single guys.)

This is the gang hanging out in the room at the church.

This is the bridesmaids eating lunch before the wedding. On the left, from front to back, is Lisa, Emily, and Lauren. On the right, it's Val, Katie, and Alison, Val's maid of honor. Emily and Lauren were junior bridesmaids. The only one missing is Jennifer, Val's sister-in-law and Carson's mom.

Here is Alison and her boyfriend, Mike, who took pity and danced with me at the reception. Fred did, too, so I did get to dance with some guys. My own age, too. Bonus.

Okay, that's all that I have for now. I was busy trying to help out and had to get my stuff done, too, so I couldn't take that many pictures and a lot of what I did take didn't come out very well.

Anyway, I'm afraid that I won't be writing for several days as tomorrow we're leaving for Bremen, Germany to attend the IAF Congress. We'll be back Wednesday.

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