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When it rains, it pours...

4:44 p.m.

So I am now back in France after spending several days in Atlanta as part of my friend Valarie's wedding. It was great. I'll write more later. I don't have time right now, but I do want to share all of the fun that I had being hit on this weekend. Everyone warned me about France, and while there is one guy here who likes to call me "darling", I haven't been subjected to very much.

On the way from Paris to Chicago, I sat in the same row as this guy who was probably around 50 or so. He was very friendly, returning from a business trip. He wasn't exactly hitting on me - he was married with children and while I know that doesn't necessarily matter, he wasn't - but he *did* say several times that I reminded him of one girl that he dated whom he let get away and regretted it. Alrighty. But he was very nice, and loved his wife and children and talked about them a lot, so I wasn't worried. We even swapped business cards.

Next, I was standing in line to get on the tram that would take me from one end of the Chicago airport to the other. There's a stand of airport maps nearby, so I pull one out, look at it, and put it back. This guy standing near me asks, "Did it help?" I smile self-deprecatingly and answer, "No, not really." He then starts talking to me. We are heading in the same general direction, so we keep talking. This I didn't mind as he turned out to be intelligent, friendly, funny, and not to mention, pretty easy on the eyes. Anyway, I gave him my business card, too, so we'll see if he actually emails me. That's #2.

Number 3 was on the way to the Atlanta airport from the hotel on Sunday. I took my baggage out to the shuttle guy who puts it in the back for me. While waiting for the others, he asks me a couple questions and to be friendly, I answer. He latches on to the fact that I came from and am going back to France (as seemed to be the case for everyone; I was introduced to everyone as "the girl from France"). I am sitting in the back, next to my friend, Alison (maid of honor), and behind her boyfriend, Mike, who are also going to the airport. There are two other passengers, both elderly ladies. He spends most of the trip yelling back at me, and says stuff like how I'll be next because I'm pretty and like to travel and intelligent and all of these things. Always nice to hear, but this, again, is coming from someone 50ish, and as it is yelled all the way to the back of the van, I'm rather embarrassed. Okay, extremely so.

The last one occurred as I was walking back from the tram station to my flat last night. These two men come up to me and ask me what a word is on a magazine that one is holding. Yes, that is rather suspicions, but I had been traveling for two days so I was rather out of it. I didn't think of anything except that I was being careful of where their hands were (in case they were trying to pickpocket me) as well as my purse and bags. They realize that I'm American and ask where I'm from and what I'm doing here and such. I answer, trying to stay vague, but getting a little nervous. THEN, one asks for my phone number. Yeah, right! I really was getting nervous, so I feign ignorance and say "au revoir" and leave. Yikes.

So, there I go. I'm not complaining that people find me attractive, it's just unexpected. It's not like I all of a sudden became stunningly gorgeous or anything, so I cannot account for the recent increase of attention. Go figure.

Anyway, tomorrow I will bring in some pictures. I finally have my cord so I can download them off of my camera! Yay!

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