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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

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"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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tap on my window, knock on my door | i want to make you feel beautiful


Who would have guessed that a ghost town exists in Houston? It's true. It's called "Day After Thanksgiving at JSC". There is absolutely no-one here today. On my entire floor. Probably the entire building of 4N, or even 4S. My friend, Jo, is working in the directorate office today because that's how empty it is around here. And I'm sure it's because everyone and their brother is out shopping. Please, hold me back.

So, why am I here? And why so early? Good questions, class. Because I'm in Houston. Because I left Becca's car in the parking lot and need to pick it up. Because this is when Nick was coming in, and I needed him to bring me onsite to get the car. Because Nick promised to buy me Starbucks (which he did). Because gasp! I actually have stuff to do. I wish I'd thought to bring in CD's to listen to, however. Boo.

Nick, Jo, and supposedly Sarah, are all in today. Maybe we'll go to lunch. Sarah and I have plans to see loads of movies. And I have plans to do a lot on my room. Hmph. We'll see how that turns out. We did go see The Motorcycle Diaries on Wednesday night. I must say that I'm becoming skeptical of anything with the word "Diaries" in the title; The Basketball Diaries, The Princess Diaries, The Motorcycle Diaries. But despite the overuse of the word in the name, The Motorcycle Diaries is an excellent, excellent film. Fun, touching, well-acted, well-done, and it doesn't hurt that the lead guy is hot. ;) Part of it was in Peru - Lima, Cuzco and Machu Picchu - and it was really cool to see those places and realize that hey, we've been there!

Alright, over and out. Hope that everyone is enjoying their Thanksgiving holiday!

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