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bigfoot in texas


There was a commercial on the radio this morning for the news tonight, and one of the "top" stories is that Bigfoot might live in Texas. Well, I can say right now that he (she, rather) does. And, there are actually two. Sarah and I. We have large feet, which makes it difficult to find shoes, and is yet another source for teasing, at least for me. My dad likes to joke that I don't need snow skis; my feet are so long that I just need to curl my toes up at the end. sigh

What do most people do when they take a bite of something far too hot? Spit it out. What do I do? Swallow it, thereby burning my throat. I did that yesteday. It still hurts. A lot.

It's quiet here today. Most people have already left for vacation. Me, I actually have stuff to do so can't even take today off. Boo. I think I'll take Friday off. Or at least, most of it. I am leaving early today, though, because I'm taking Becca and Annie to the airport. Later, Nick's leaving for Oklahoma. So, it will be me, four fetch-crazed dogs, and a very-noisy bird. So, not exactly peace and quiet. :) But that's okay. They'll keep me company, and a couple people are staying in town.

Last weekend, I visited Rachael in Austin. It was fun. It rained a lot on the way back. A lot a lot a lot. Driving home, I was going about 35 mph at one point. But it was really cool to see her, as it had been years. At least three. I saw her dog, Sierra, again and it was freaky how much she and Jen's dog, Zoya, look alike. On Saturday, we met up with her friend, Molly, went to a really nice restaurant and then to Esther's Follies, which was hilarious.

Being in Austin again made me realize that I really, really, really like the city: it's Democratic (Kerry won by a landslide in Travis County), actually has hills, weather is not as murderous in the summer, less smog, nice lakes, capital city, something resembling public transportation. Why couldn't LBJ have found a spot near Austin to put JSC? Oh well.

Rachael's coming down here for Christmas. Yay! Then, after Christmas, I'm leaving for Sacramento; made my tickets last night. It's $327, which is reasonable, and who would've guessed that it was cheaper by $50 to fly Continental direct, than to have a layover? Yay me! :) I looked again this morning, and it's gone, with the cheapest direct being $400+ now, and one-stops starting around $380. Furthermore, it was through Orbitz, with the cheapest off Continental's website listed as $418. So, I was lucky. Usually, I find the cheapest flights directly on Continental's website. Lake Tahoe, here I come! :)

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