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i thought the calendar said january 26th not april 1st


An e-mail sent to a local soccer league distribution list:

To all teams,
Note: If any player on your team lives outside of [City], there will be a $15.00 charge, per person, added to the $500.00 registration fee. Since the field is in a [City] park they charge for each individual not living inside their city limits.

I am not making this up. And [City] is small enough that most people on the team probably do not live there. Furthermore, as far as I know, this is the first year that they've implemented this. Am I wrong to think that it is ridiculous? None of the other leagues I play in have such a constraint.

With the way things have been going this week, I shouldn't be that surprised by something like this; I feel as if I'm Murphy's Law personified, ricidulous version. It's like Hermione pionted her wand at me and said, Ridiculouso!. SIGH.

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