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i used to think that swallowing apple seeds would grow a tree in my stomach


So, here I am. I have been anti-blog lately, even to the point of not really reading other people's. Doesn't help that there hasn't been much going on, so I don't have a lot to say. Or, a lot that's interesting, at least. ;) Christmas and New Year's were good - spent most of the holidays up at Tahoe, but only minimal skiing as the snow wasn't that good; in fact, I think I scraped off most of the wax on my skies running over the plants and such, going places that I probably shouldn't.

I did go to New Orleans last weekend with some friends for a wedding, and that was a lot of fun. Now that I have a friend out there, I'll have to go back; that makes for a lot of driving in the future, as I make (somewhat) regular trips to Austin, have plans to visit San Antonio quite a bit, too, and now The Crescent City. Really rack up the miles on my little car; that hybrid engine is really coming in handy - here to New Orleans on roughly 10 gallons of gas.

Favors from the wedding included a little Chinese take-out container-like box with two tulip bulbs and two chocolate coins. They were in my room. When we leave, we have to close the doors the the rooms and bathroom because the dogs will get in there, and apparently when we left for about four hours yesterday, the door to my room wasn't closed.

We can all see where this is going.

We're not sure who ate what or how many, but all four bulbs and four coins (I had two boxes) were gone. Becca looked it up on the internet and, turns out, tulip bulbs are poisonous to dogs, so we had to call the emergency vet and then the animal poison hotline, and they told us that for our size dogs, they should be okay, maybe some nausea and upset stomachs, but shouldn't be anything more.

Thankfully, neither dog is showing any ill effects at all. They are just as psycho as usual.

I leave you with this amusing (and sadly, rather accurate) comic:

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