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self-eating watermelons



So the Astros are going to the World Series! That is awesome, even if I am more caught up in the general excitement that's pervaded the city than the actual event itself. This is my favorite example; any church that has this kind of a sense of humor is okay with me. Even if the signs aren't real. Too bad!!

The other day I wore a skirt, which is a rare occurrance. I also wore heels. So, of course, on the one day that I wear a skirt and heels, I end up giving tours to the co-ops of the Space Shuttle orbiter mock-up, which involves crawling in and out of the circular hatch and climbing up and down the ladder connecting the mid and flight decks. Did I mention that I was wearing a skirt and heels? Oh, and I had to do it eight times. After the first few groups, I took the shoes off, but t'weren't nuttin' I could do about the skirt. I tried to maintain my modesty as much as possible, but I'm sure that I still managed to give the Space Center Houston guests passing along the back wall a good show.

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