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In a galaxy far, far away...

2:24 p.m.

Today we had part I of Module 3 exams. This is the last set. Module 4 is Team Project, and Module 5 is internship. I'm doing mine at EADS in Bremen, Germany, in case I haven't mentioned it. Tomorrow, we have four hours for a single Interdisciplinary Question (today's was four hours for 14 Disciplinary Questions). My head hurts, and I'm tired. BUT...

I received not one but TWO packages today! Yay me! One was from my parents and another from Fred and Katie. Thanks so much!!! ;) Very nice. I love birthdays. And packages.

And speaking of, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECCA!!! Ripe old age of 25 this year. I know it's not polite to mention ages, but hey, her diary name is artemis1979 so it's not like I'm telling a huge secret. ;) Besides, she's also not as old as I am.

This weekend, don't think I've mentioned it, but we're off to Tunisia (in Africa) - me, Mark, Nick, Serina, Ollie, Beth, Tyler, Bavs, and Will. It'll be a blast. We leave Friday the 27th and get back on Tuesday the 2nd, and it's all for less than 400 Euro, which includes flight, hotel, and even partial board (breakfast and dinner). (Dork alert ahead.) We're going to Hammamet and apparently, "Tatooine" is not too far away. The Tatooine Star Wars scenes were actually filmed in Matmata, but there is a city called Tataouine (pronounced Tatooine, just as in the movies). The English Patient and Indiana Jones were filmed in Tunisia, too.

I've pretty much spent the last three days studying. I hope that it pays off. Saturday, though, I went with Bavs and Serina and we bought bikinis (gasp!) for Tunisia. We've made a pact that we're all going to drag each other out; we've never owned one before, and we're all terribly self-concsious, so it's going to be interesting. This is the first time, however, that I've actually felt comfortable enough to even contemplate wearing one, much less actually doing it. Guess eating all of that salad pays off! ;) Just hope the guys don't bring Speedos...

Saturday night went to Jess and Will's and played with their ferrets. I love them! They are so fun. Will is likely doing his internship in London and they may have a really hard time with the ferrets due to restrictions and such so there's a slight chance that I may end up with two ferrets for three months. So cool! However, Jess said that they might be able to get Charlie and Bella EU passports - seriously. She said it was the funniest thing she'd ever seen, but apparently there are passports that you can get that are similar in size and appearance to normal EU passports.

4:07 p.m.

It's snowing outside right now. Hopefully, it will stick. It snowed on Monday, despite it being rather warm and mostly blue sky (figure that one out). Obviously, that didn't stick. Maybe this will. I love snow. Snow snow snow.

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