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Something wicked this way comes.

3:22 p.m.

I don't have time to write a real entry, but I just wanted to tell y'all that I've finally, FINALLY, started putting up pictures. Gasp! It's true! Not very many right now - just a few of Strasbourg and Luxembourg - but it's a start and I'll keep working on it. Exams are this week, so probably after that.

Also, I'm SO SO SO excited that the Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban trailer is out!!! The movie hits theaters June 4th. It looks really good! It's amazing, though, to see how quickly the kids have grown up. I've heard that they may be replaced for forthcoming movies, but I can't imagine anyone else playing Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Malfoy. They're perfect. Besides, didn't the Dawson's Creek crew try to pull of high schoolers at age 20+ or something? I was also pleasantly surprised at how Gary Oldman looks as Sirius Black; I was a bit skeptical, but it may yet be okay. I'm going to do my best to be in England for the premiere. How crazy would that be???

Tonight I'm going to dinner at Jess and Will's. We're going to watch Friends and I get to meet their ferrets, Bella and Charlie. That will be a lot of fun. I love ferrets.

Also, I've started using MSN occasionally. If you want to be on my "buddy list", drop me an email and I'll add you.

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