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So, you think you're smart, do you?

3:24 p.m.

Today was part II of our last exam. I plan to see that it is the last exam I take for a long time. It was four hours of a single question. We were given a list of the ideas of President Bush's directive and the question was to take one and and discuss all of the interdisciplinary aspects - technical, busniess, legal, international cooperation, and other (outreach, spin-offs, ethics). I chose retiring the Shuttle fleet. There was a lot there, although it doesn't seem like it at first. I wrote 17 pages and I think that I did okay. I would have finished very early except that 1) I had to completely re-write some sections because I'd revised them so much that I couldn't even read them and 2) I spent the last half hour drawing pictures on my test - the Space Shuttle, ISS, Trogdor, US Capitol, flags, the planets.

It snowed yesterday, and this morning, there was still some left on the ground. But it's very sunny outside right now so there's none left.

There has been some concern about my going to Tunisia with a bikini. Okay, so it's amusing that of all places to start, I pick a non-very-woman-friendly country. Granted. But I talked to Beth and she says that it's a very touristy town and the hotel area is no problem. If we want to travel out (say, to Tataouine), then it becomes more of a concern. And yes, Sarah, I hope that I'm not stoned, hissed at, or spat upon, either.

Tonight, I'm going with some friends to see Return to Cold Mountain. Others are going out to a local bar. I may go before and/or after, depending. I have quite the headache from studying and all.

I found a store that sells the best egg rolls. And cheap. Yum. It's the little things, y'know?

In a couple of weeks we're going to Russia. I have to pay for my plane tickets. Also, Istanbul. Hmm, maybe then my "world map" of countries visited won't seem so bare. At least, I'll have four continents - N. America, Europe, Asia, Africa - under my belt. Not bad for not having traveled abroad before August!

Okay, so everyone have a good weekend in case I don't come in tomorrow and write anything. We're meeting at 4 PM to go to the airport.

Oh yeah, Becca sent me this article on Quizno's and those freaky moon-loving (and now sub-loving) spongmonkey things.

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