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even the wrong words seem to rhyme


Johnny Carson died Sunday morning at the age of 79. As Sarah mentioned, it's kinda creepy that we were discussing the very fact of whether he was alive or not only last Sunday while playing her 90's Trvial Pursuit. But, I am sad that he is gone. He was such a funny comedian, and I loved watching him as the host of The Tonight Show. Not that Jay Leno doesn't do a great job - he's really made it his show - but I grew up watching Johnny and Ed.

Speaking of life and death, a week after Sashimi I committed suicide by jumping out of his bowl, I now have Sashimi II. I picked him out because of his coloring; he's a shimmery blue that changes colors in the light. It's really cool. He's also a lot more active and (this is for you, Sarah) actually likes the little castle in his bowl! Sarah joked that Sashimi I jumped out because he was afraid of the castle. Anyway, yesterday I couldn't find Sashimi and panicked did I kill another one? and turns out, he was just chillin' in the castle. Here are some pictures of him.

And since I'm putting up pictures, I found one of the bridesmaid dress for my sister's wedding. The actual dress is on the right (I know, duh), but the color is on the left. It's actually a prom dress, and will be hemmed to tea length (~mid calf).

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