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sleep with the fishes


My Betta fish, Sashimi, died last weekend. He committed suicide by jumping out of his bowl. :( Bettas jump, which I know, but Sashimi was a very inactive fish who did little more than hang out at the top of his bowl so I wasn't worried when, being the consientous fish owner that I am, I decided to change his water last week and needed to move him into a temporary bowl which was probably a little too full. Getting him out of his bowl was a difficult matter; it's shaped funny, and he didn't want to come out. Finally, after moving him (poor guy was pretty agitated), I rinsed his bowl out, filled it up, put the drops in the water, and left it out to reach room temperature while I went to play soccer. Apparently, he was too traumatized from the move to continue with his life. When I returned, I found a little dried up Sashimi on the counter. He had jumped out of the bowl. Lazy Sashimi turned out to be not so lazy. It was sad. Not to mention that a dried up fish corpse is pretty nasty. Becca and Sarah seem to think it really amusing that my fish committed suicide, although, Becca did manage to get out, in between snorts of laughter, that she was sorry my fish died.

Anyway, now I have a nice, clean bowl and no fish. Which will be remedied soon. Sashimi II will arrive sometime this weekend.

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