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segue into the new way


I forgot to mention that on Tuesday when I went over to Will's house, he let me play on his dad's Segway. It was awesome! When I first stepped on, it took me a moment to gain my balance, but pretty soon, I was just a blur, zooming up and down the street. There are three different keys used to set the maximum speed; the one we used was for beginners so it didn't go faster than 6 mph. His dad lives close to Rice University where he works; 3 minutes driving, 10 walking, so the Segway is perfect for him because it saves gas (Segway's electric), he doesn't have to park, it's faster than walking, and it gives him a nice little breeze as he cruises along at 12 mph, which is the highest setting. Will told me that it's impossible to pitch too far forward or back and fall off, which I tested, but turning too fast can cause it to fall over sideways, which I decided not to test. It has a zero-point turning radius, which was awesome. It was so fun! I want a Segway now. :)

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