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you got me in a sway | and i want to swing you done


How much of an old lady am I? It is not even 9:00 p.m. - on a Friday night, no less! - and I am ready for bed. Granted, I did spend two hours straight swing dancing, and that is really some good exercise! It's an hour of instruction, then an hour of dancing. Right now, it's East Coast Swing (Jitterbug), the follow part of which I actually know quite well, so I'm learning the lead. There's been at least one swing dance at nearly every wedding that I've attended, and NO-ONE knew how to dance. By learning the lead, I can drag someone out onto the floor; it's not as important for the follow to know how to swing as it is for the lead. Of course, learning the lead isn't easy, and I'm mixing up my lead and follow moves. Regardless, it is so nice to swing dance again; it's been such a long time.

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