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with a little help from my friends


In my group at work, it is tradition to make a big deal of birthdays. The office bands together to bring in goodies and then sends out the word on the appointed day to gather everyone around to sing the birthday dirge. Yes, dirge; people purposely sing as badly, tuneless and offbeat as possible. Some even sing other songs. My office of five has three birthdays within ten days of each other, mine included. Two are this weekend, so the other two and I were scheming about when to do them; mine was last week, and as I had a sim, and it had been a week, I figured that mine had slipped by.

Not so much. =)

Today, I'm sitting at my desk when my friend, Paul, calls me down to his room to discuss something. On my way over, I stop by a coworker's desk to see if she's available later. Her husband is there and says that she's at a birthday party. Hmmm, I hadn't heard about any party. Then I see her in the next room, and ask her, whereupon the guy she's talking to says "I think that you should go talk with her now. Yes, I think that that's a great idea."

You, dear reader, probably have figured out what's going on now. Not me. Not yet.

"No, wait", I say, "later. I have to talk to Paul now." "Oh," she says. "I think that I saw Paul just down that way."

NOW I know what's going on. "You guys SUCK!" I exclaim. "Huh, what are you talking about? Go talk to Paul." By this time, a lot of people are gathered in front of my office, and it's blindingly obvious what the deal is. Still, they all insist that I go talk to Paul. So, i make a big show of it, walk down, grab everyone and come back. "Wow, look at all of the people in front of my office!" I exclaim. "I wonder what they're all here for?!" ;)

Turns out that for my birthday, my officemates came up with the idea of make-your-own sundaes. PURE GENIUS. I am not a big cake fan, and it doesn't get any better than chocolate ice cream with chocolate chips, chocolate sauce, whipped cream and MARASCHINO CHEERIES. My officemates are the COOLEST EVER.

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