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that's some catch, that catch-22


My officemate, Ashley, had some fun the other day. She had forgotten her Employee Express pin number, useful for changing one's information, such as address, payment allocation, direct deposit, etc. within the federal database that we use. She wanted to change her address, because she just moved to Houston full-time. Unfortunately, in order to be able to reset her pin, she needed to know the address in the database. Having been a co-op, she has moved loads of times and couldn't remember at what address the account was set-up, and therefore, had no clue as to what address was in the database. No address, no pin. But she needed the pin to get in and change her address!!! Her benefits rep told her to talk to the TSP personnel, and the TSP personnel told her to talk to the benefits rep. 'Round and round we go. What fun! Ah, the joys of federal employment.

In other news, the hurricane that blasted the East coast, Ivan, resurrected and is now coming for us. My prediction: watch out, California. Just because you've never had a hurricane, doesn't mean it won't happen. Or, better yet, maybe it will show up someplace completely random, like Nebraska. A hurricane in Nebraska. That would be interesting.

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