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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

"Take care of the minutes, and the hours and years will take care of themselves." -Anonymous

"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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and in the darkness, light


Cue music: Twilight Zone theme...
Scene: Night, boy driving, girl in passenger seat. Suddenly, a blinding white light flashes from out of nowhere, just ahead, low on the horizon. Light fades to a glowing blue. Blinding flash of white again, more blue. Good portion of the street lamps and business lights go out on the right side of the freeway. Come back on. Go out again. White, blue. ???
Cut music.

Turns out, a transformer on a power line was in the process of going out, and in doing so, kept mucking up the lights on that side of the highway. There was this blue flame emanating from the transformer, with every now and then a brilliant flash of white. Finally, just as we passed it, it exploded in an impressive shower of sparks, and the lights went out for good. Despite the fact that it sucks as far as power/repair/etc. is concerned, the show itself was awesome.

Today is officially my third day back. So far, I have done (or have yet to do) the following items. And if you have no idea what I'm talking about, rest assured that all are muy importante. After all, it is ME we are talking about here, and everything I do is of the utmost importance. Right.

1. Re-activate my computer accounts, which includes filling out loads of forms and getting them all signed by the appropriate people who have offices but are never to be found within them;
2. Pick up my new badge (note: we are having new card readers installed sometime in the near future, or so they say, so we've been issued new badges, but must keep the old ones as well in order to access Mission Control, et al, but these old ones are not to be used for identifaction anymore, so we are all wandering around with both a new badge and an old one with a hole punched through the face);
3. Get fingerprinted:
4. Organize DN's into one Databook due in a month;
5. Am book manager for another;
6. Recertify for ISO and Shuttle backroom;
7.Prepare for next two missions (actually looking like Return to Flight really will be March timeframe - yay!!!).

So, whew! Lots to do. Can you imagine?

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