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"Love and marriage..."

6:05 p.m.

This is quick because I have a bunch of things to do before leaving for America tomorrow. In case you didn't know and wonder why I'm going back to the US after only having been in France a month, it's because ISU realized that they made a mistake and are sending me home. Just kidding. The actual reason is that one of my very good friends, Valarie, is getting married on Saturday and has done me the honor of asking me to be in her wedding, so back to the US of A. I'm really excited. I'll get to see everyone, I really like my dress, and it's always fun to dress up and have my hair done. I love weddings. Not ready for my own, but I love being a bridesmaid. It means that someone likes me well enough that they want me to be part of the most important day of their lives.

Anyway, I won't be able to write anything until Monday night at the earliest. I'll make sure to take some pictures, since it will be one of the few times that people will actually get to see me dressed up with my hair done and make-up on. Doesn't happen very often!

As for number, this will make lucky number 3 for me. "Always a bridesmaid, never a bride." Ah well, we'll see.

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