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nuts and cherries


This isn't the flight, and I'm already making the quote board:

Off-going counterpart: We have coffee.
On-coming (me): Excellent! I have nuts. And cherries.

At 1 a.m., anything's funny.

Working the shift that I am, the Planning Shift, I am also bored. The crew is "asleep" (not here). I really have nothing to do; well, nothing to really do here, plenty of office work to do. So, I decided to go back through the last several months and count up how many weeks I've had to work overnight at least once during the week. Between all my responsibilities, it's been 8 out of the last 16, but I have another overnighter next week and then prelaunch the following week, also overnight, and that will push my average above .500 so woohoo, lucky me.

I am *tired*. Didn't sleep well. Even worse than my usual poor sleeping habits for such a shift. I was only going to get ~5 hours, anyway, but then dog woke me up to go out about 2.5 hours in (have learned that when a dog wakes me up to go out, means NOW else I'm cleaning up a nasty, stinky mess) and wasn't able to go back to sleep - too warm. Instead, I slipped into that drowsy-not-quite-sleeping doze. Ugh. Was not the most pleasant person when i got up. However, doing okay right now as I'm hopped up on sugar and caffeine. I will SO be paying for this later.

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