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no doot aboot it


This is what I do when I don't have anything interesting. Besides, these lyrics make me laugh, although I don't understand the plaid kilts bit. I haven't been able to find the actual song (not on iTunes), but I keep looking.

Five Iron Frenzy - Oh Canada

Welcome to Canada, it's the Maple Leaf State
Canada, oh Canada it's great!
The people are nice and they speak French, too -
If you don't like it, man, you sniff glue.
The Great White North, their kilts are plaid.
Hosers take off, it's not half bad.

I want to be where yaks can run free,
Where Royal Mounties can arrest me.
Let's go to Canada, let's leave today -
Canada, oh, Canada, I Sil Vous Plait!

They've got trees, and mooses, and sled dogs,
Lots of lumber, and lumberjacks, and logs.
We all think it's kind of a drag
That you have to go there to get milk in a bag.
They say "eh?" instead of "what?" or "duh?"
That's the mighty power of Canada!

I want to be where lemmings run into the sea,
Where the marmosets can attack me.
Let's go to Canada, let's leave today -
Canada, oh, Canada, I Sil Vous Plait!

Please, please, explain to me,
How this all has come to be?
We forgot to mention something here -
Did we say that William Shatner is a native citizen?
And Slurpees made from venison, that's deer!

Let's go to Canada, let's leave today -
Canada, oh, Canada, I Sil Vous Plait!

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