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careful what you ask for...


Today is Becca's birthday! Lucky dog is spending it, according to her itinerary, in El Calafate, which, without looking it up, is in Argentina, methinks. I'm sure she's having a great time.


I always vowed that whenever I had a dog that was mine, I would let it sleep on the bed. Growing up, the only time I had a pet sleep on the bed with me was when I snuck my cat inside (sorry, dad). So, with Bennet, I started letting him sleep on the bed with me from the time he was first potty trained. Or rather, I should say, tried; trust me to get the one dog in creation who doesn't like to sleep on the bed.

Now, with J & G on the far ends of the Earth, I have their two dogs, Roxy and Zoya for the duration. Talk about getting wishes granted. These two jump up on the bed and take over most of it, not being very small dogs. Having dogs on the bed is definitely not what it's cracked up to be - Roxy snores loudly and twitches, making the bed shake, and Zoya likes to sleep ON me, pinning me uncomfortably to the bed. And yet, I still like having them on the bed. It's not so bad when I can convince them to both lay on one half so that I can have the other.

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