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and up in the nursery an absurd little bird | is popping out to say "cuckoo"


As if Nick doesn't talk about his bird, Ollie, enough, I'm writing a post. But mine isn't as complimentary. For example, I don't think that the bird pooping on command is cute. Especially as it only works if Ollie decides he does have to poop and would rather do it on the ground than, say, in one's hair. Or on one's face. Definitely not so cute.

Anyway. Last night, I was puttering around my room with the bird sitting on my head. Ollie can be cute. He coos softly when contented, emits musical little chirps when water's running and rubs his head against one's fingers like a dog asking to be petted. And it's cute how he waddles around looking for company if he's been left alone. I also think it's cute how he preens one's hair. Which is what he was doing to me last night. Or so I thought. I walked into the bathroom and the mirror showed a very satisfied looking bird on top of my head next to a rat's nest that was my hair. The little bugger had knotted a good portion of my hair so badly that I couldn't undo it, and I ended up having to cut it. Of course, while I'm messing with my hair, he crawled around, rubbing against my neck, trying to act all cute. Nick was vastly amused. Me, not so much. Freakin' bird.

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