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when the night is almost gone | you may rise to find the sun


The weather a few days ago was fabulous. San Diego fabulous, to be exact. Today, it is back to being muggy and grubby and gray. But, that's okay. It might rain out my soccer game that I'm rather ambivalent about going to, anyway. I'm trying to justify not going, and the only rationale that I have is that I still have a slight cough, but it's hardly worth mentioning so using that as an excuse is childish. I haven't said I would, but they could use an extra girl, it's been ages, Bennet and I need the exercise... Argh. I don't know. I don't think that I'll play next season, except maybe as a sub. I'm so lazy. And burned out on soccer.


One thing that I am not known for is assertiveness. I just don't like making waves. So, I've been trying to practice a little bit on my roommates at home (lucky them). Recently, I took Nick down a peg when I thought he was being a bit too condescending, and this morning, I made Becca give me the earrings that she was wearing, as I was wearing the matching necklace, they went better with what I have on, and, furthermore, they're my earrings. A little pouting and a little dithering, but I got the earrings. She was slightly mollified by an early birthday present of sterling silver dragonfly earrings, and notified me that she would be even more placated were they the $1400 set from Tiffany's. (Incidentally, they may not be Tiffany's, B, but they were still not cheap! Keep that in mind when you're looking for my bday present in Patagonia. :)


My iPod is working very sporadically lately, and especially today. It was giving me the sad iPod face for a while, but then started working recently, and today it's giving me the folder w/exclamation point off and on. I've been nursing it along because sitting at my desk has become almost unbearable if I'm not listening to it; it's sad how much I've come to depend on it. This isn't even iPod #1, which expired just shy of a year and was sent in and replaced with iPod #2 in October, barely four months ago, and which is now misbehaving. One would think that the Powers That Be might look a bit more favorably upon such a proponent of Apple as I (LOVE my Powerbook). Or maybe they are just playing with me. Powers That Be tend to have a sense of humor like that, I've found.

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