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overall cost of year in europe: $$$
amount of shopping spree: 5K
brand-new lifestyle: priceless


This weekend, I saw "What Not to Wear" on TLC. I don't claim to be a fashionista, but, as previously admitted, thanks to Europe, and my friends who took me shopping in Europe, I do now have a bit of a shoe fetish and wear better clothes. Before Europe, I always paid attention to what I wore, I just didn't care. ;) Anyway, the people whom the fashion police go after get a $5000 Visa Card for buying their new wardrobe. Hmph. I'll go back to my pre-Europe uniform of khakis and polo shirts if a group of you will get together and nominate me for this show so that *I* can go on a $5K shopping spree, have them help me out with flattering clothes and CLEAN OUT MY CLOSET!! :)

Speaking of Europe, one year ago, today, is when I arrived back in Houston, after being in Europe for a year. Which means that it's also a year exactly since I've been there, as I haven't been back since returning to Houston. Incidentally, August 22nd (2003) was also the day that I first arrived in Europe, never having travelled abroad before. Ahh, Europe.

Note: I've realized that the number of times that I've mentioned Europe in this entry, including the title and just now, is a disproportionally large 10.

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