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if i could only put myself in your shoes | i'd walk right back to me


A while ago, I found two things that were very important to me. One, a document for work that is necessary, should I ever be called upon to use it, and the other, a pair of sandals that I'd bought in Greece, wore once, and then promptly lost. I'd mourned the latter all year, and was slightly worried about needing to use the former. Then, as part of my year-long attempt to organize my room, I was going through a box and voila! le document and le sandals. I was equally excited to find both, despite the fact that, as Becca drily pointed out, I should be more thankful that I'd found the document, as it truly was the more important. True, but I really like the sandals! Becca doesn't understand as she owns like three pairs of shoes, total, and not so long ago, I wouldn't have cared that much, but I developed a bit of a shoe fetish in Europe (thanks, Beth!!!) so now, finding the cute-but-not-career-advancing shoes was as exciting as finding the important-to-career document.

Apparently, this shoe fetish is a bit misplaced and I should not wear heels; every time that I do, people ask me why I'm walking funny. I cannot get the hang of these things. All other girls I see manage to trip along merrily and effortlessly in their heels, while I just seem to trip. sigh

Becca's flight from LA arrived at midnight last night, and four-and-a-half hours later, I drove her to Intercontental for the remainder of our vacation-that-was, and of which she decided to still do the tail end (I changed my tickets to go visit Kelly in Winnipeg in the near future). Off to Philly with her, and I pick her up Tuesday morning. Anyone want to play hookey from work that morning and join us for breakfast at Empire Caf�?

Jen leaves town today, so that means Jen, Gavin, Becca and Sarah are out, and I think Katie and Fred are gone, too. I hardly have anyone left to play with, but that's okay - this weekend, Bennet and I are going to Austin.

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