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bang head here


Sometimes, I sit and think, why must my work be so difficult? It is not that the work is hard, but rather tedious. Like having to walk across a field and avoid all of the little pitfalls - doggie leavings, fire ant mounds, mud pits, gopher holes. It forces me to look at the ground to watch where I'm going, causing me to lose sight of the goal. That is how I feel right now. My current issue is that I've discovered an assumption with my project that we've all been working under is not true. And now, even thought it is, technically, not my responsibility, I have to go fix it. It is good to discover this now when it is a minor annoyance, and not later when it could be a potentially crippling issue.

I guess that this is the way of things. Something that will seem so simple and easy at the end of it all, the process of making it so is most definitely not. And if the result is that it comes off as being simple and easy, then it will be worth it.

Even if it is head-banging-against-the-wall frustrating right now.

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