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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

"Take care of the minutes, and the hours and years will take care of themselves." -Anonymous

"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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i used to be so insecure | that doesn't matter anymore


Ah, 5:34 in the a.m. What a lovely time. Especially when alone at work with noone to talk to and nothing to do. Well, nothing that I feel like doing, anyway. I didn't get much done yesterday, but today, I am the epitome of efficiency, which does have it's drawbacks: I have all of my work done for the day, with still four hours to go until there's a possibility that I might be able to leave.

Yesterday was President's Day, a holiday for us gov't workers, but I was here, at work, at the bleary-eyed hour of 2 a.m. Yay for Holiday/Night pay, although I'm not sure that the extra few $$$ is worth having to get up at 1. It was rather fun, however, that when I came home, one roommate was barely out of bed, the other was still in, and I was able to point out that I'd already put in a full working day. HA ha. :) Of course, I had to go to bed at 4, but c'est la vie.

I am working on my new website. I was really frustrated because I couldn't connect and unzip Moveable Type on my server, but then, thanks to Becca who, after I commented that I could ftp to it but nothing else, said "hey maybe you should check your settings and see if it's only set to ftp". D'oh! Sure 'nuff, it was. Fixed it, and now I have no problems. Still having to fuss with MT, but things are moving a bit more smoothly now, and I should have something halfway decent before too long.

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